Our sake is cloudy, but our thoughts are pure.  Brewery of the sake "Shirakawago" and "Tesshin" and "Kessen Sekigahara" since 1837
Top Shirakawago product About shirakawago Brewery introduction

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The relationship between the World Heritage Site Shirakawago and MiwaShuzo

Found in the familiar mountainous area of Gifu, Shirakawa village has been designated by the Unesco Committee as a World Cultural Heritage site for its rafter-roofed houses. For hundreds of years, these rafter-roofed houses have been protected and maintained by the villagers through their cooperative efforts as a symbol of their communal ties, The houses create a very nostalgic scenery for Japanese people, and generate a feeling of kindly warmth for visitors.

In addition, from the end of September through October, one of the world’s most unique festivals, the Doburoku Festival, takes place here with people praying at shrines in each of the districts to the mountain gods for fertility, family safety, and peace in the village. Beginning around 1300 years ago, Doburoku has been used in the festival in this area. Every year a little ‘brewery’ at each shrine serves Doburoku made with its own special ancient techniques passed down through the generations. This is a true Japanese hometown festival at which one can see the villagers and the visitors from far away drinking Miki-Doburoku (sake offering s to
shrines) together in thanks for the harvest.

Shirakawago first came about when the sixth brewmaster of MiwaShuzo was asked by the mayor of Shirakawa Village to produce a Doburoku similar to that served at the festival able to be drunk and sold at any time of the year. However, at that time there was no precedent of a nigorizake produced for sale year-round, so initially it wasn’t officially permitted to be sold under the alcohol tax laws. But through continued tenaciou snegotiations, the national tax board finally recognized and allowed the sale of nigorizake, after finally admitting that it was the best way to prevent it’s illegal production and distribution. Upon hearing this, Shirakawa Village was overjoyed and the village council authorized the trademark name of Shirakawago.

While cherishing the role played by the previous generations in creating the name Shirakawago, and being particular about the ingredients and brewing process, we the producers of Shirakawago Junmai Nigoriz ake want to pass along the culture and traditions of nigorizake to the next generation.


The secrets to making Shirakawago Junmai Nigorizake

The best rice for nigorizake

The special process to bring out the naturally delicious flavor

The skill needed to make it delicious year-round

The passion of a master brewer for making Shirakawago